Membership Application

Membership Application


Kindly contact us if you have any particular issue about your membership or application

Select type of membership base on your qualification either ordinary, associate or life membership

Ordinary membership shall be opened to every Public Health Professional of Malaysian citizenship possessing a recognised medical degree plus a postgraduate degree in Public Health, its specialties and/or its sub-specialties, registered in the Register kept by the Registrar of Medical Practitioners.

Registration fee - RM 30.00 once
Membership fee - RM 50.00 yearly

Associate membership shall be opened to Public Health Professional of non-Malaysian citizenship, other professional with public health degree qualification, and medical doctors under post-graduate residency in public health.
Associate members will enjoy all the privileges of Ordinary and Life members except that of voting or of holding office in the Council of the Association.

Registration fee - RM 30.00 once
Membership fee - RM 50.00 yearly

Life member shall be opened to Ordinary members who in place of Annual Subscription shall pay a sum of RM 500.00 in one payment

Membership Fee = RM500 one time payment
Sign-up Fee = RM30 one time payment

The Association may confer Honorary membership on those person who, whether or not registered in the Medical Register, have done exceptional work in the fields of Public Health and allied sciences or have rendered meritorious services in the cause of Public Health Medicine and associated sciences or to this Association.
Honorary members will enjoy all the privileges of Ordinary and Life members except that of voting or of holding office in the Council of the Association.

Upgrade or renew membership

Kindly activate your membership by upgrade to Life Member or renew it if you already have account.

Please log in to your account first to use below function.